Point Loma High School Class of 1970
The Details
Class of 1970
Redo: 50 year Reunion
Friday, September 23, 2022
Bali Hai Restaurant on Shelter Island
South Pacific Room
Please note:
We are "mask friendly" and are not requiring you to wear one,
but if you feel more comfortable, please do.
The Reunion
Twas my class reunion, and all through the house.
I checked in each mirror and begged my poor spouse
to say I looked great, that my chin wasn’t double
(and she lied through false teeth, just to stay out of trouble)
Though I wore bifocals, my eyes hadn’t changed
I had the same figure just a mite rearranged
My skin was still silky, although looser in places
and I walked rather slow, but still made all the bases.
I swallowed her words, hook, sinker and line
and I entered that banquet feeling just fine
We greeted with hugs, but, like me, 50 years
added gray to their hair and width in their rears
Somehow I’d expected my classmates to stay
just as they were on the long-ago day
We shared a few memories and re-told some class jokes
were were 18 in spirit, though we looked like our folks
We talked about all the good times, now long gone by
when we were still students at You-Name-it High
We turned hearing aids up and dimmed down the light
rolled back the years and were young for the night...
Don Sappingfield